Plot: Adventurer Ben Fogle travels across the plains of Africa in this documentary series. Over four episodes the presenter follows the natural migration of wildebeest, with the help of Dr Grant Hopcroft, who has been given permission to satellite tag the animals. The journey itself takes place throughout...
Plot: Adventurer Ben Fogle travels around Britain to meet people who have relocated to remote parts of the UK in search of a simpler lifestyle. The presenter explores the romantic notion of living in the wild against the reality of this existence by spending time with families for a few days to experience...
Plot: Adventurer Ben Fogle reunites with some of the people he met in previous series of `Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild'. These people had turned their backs on the rat-race and set up home in some of the most remote locations on Earth.
Plot: Adventurer Ben Fogle presents this programme that goes inside the work of the University of Liverpool's Veterinary School, considered one of the leading veterinary institutions in the world. Fogle, an animal lover, follows the skilled professionals and students at three of the university's state-of...
Plot: Ben Fogle meets couples, families and individuals in the UK who decided to quit the 9-to-5 and leave their jobs in the city to pursue their dream lives in the heart of the British countryside.
Plot: Based on the Lonely Planet book, Ben Fogle pursues an adventure escapade full of adrenaline rushes in the most breathtaking locations of the world.