Plot: Girls' Generation's Factory Girl is a 2008 reality television show starring South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. The show revolves around the members of the group working as intern editors at Elle Girl Korea. The concept of the show was inspired by the 2006 Hollywood movie The Devil Wears Prada...
Plot: Girls' Generation's Horror Movie Factory, commonly abbreviated to "H.M.F", is an MBC variety TV show starring the South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. The members undergo various acting lessons and tests. The show started out with horror settings, but after a few episodes became more bright and...
Plot: Kim Jung-eun's Chocolate was a South Korean late-night television music program which began airing on March 11, 2008 on Tuesday nights at 12:35 am on SBS replacing Lee Juk's Music Space. It was then moved to Wednesday nights at 12:30 am, Saturday nights at 12:10 am, and now Sunday nights at 12:10 am...
Plot: Unstoppable Marriage is a South Korean sitcom that aired on KBS2 from November 5, 2007, to May 30, 2008, on Mondays to Fridays at 18:50 for 140 episodes. It was adapted from the 2007 South Korean film of the same name. Wikipedia
Plot: 1000 Song Challenge, also known as Challenge 1000 Songs, is a South Korean karaoke singing competition television series, which aired on SBS from 2000 to 2014. During the show, guests compete by singing popular songs accurately from memory. The songs are chosen randomly from a pool of 1000 songs. Wikipedia...
Plot: Star Golden Bell was a South Korean variety show broadcast on KBS. A popular show, it occasionally entered the Korean top 20 chart. The show consisted of mini-games, which have certain prize amounts. The winning celebrity is given the opportunity to ring the bell by correctly answering a riddle. Wikipedia...