Plot: It's never a dull day in Broomstown with the Robocar Poli Rescue Team protecting the beautiful town's vehicles and citizens from all sorts of dangers.
Plot: The 2009 feature film "Monsters vs. Aliens" was a bona fide hit, earning just shy of $200 million at the U.S. box office and more than $380 million worldwide. Because of its success, it has become a franchise that includes this computer-animated series featuring many of the same characters but with...
Plot: Uncle Grandpa is a magical uncle and grandpa to everyone, and he travels around the world in an RV on a mission to help people in any way they may need it. The mustachioed good Samaritan wears a fanny pack, named Belly Bag, that serves as his right-hand man as he finds solutions to everyday situations...
Plot: Inspired by creator and executive producer Matt Braly's heritage, family and childhood trips to Bangkok, Thailand, Disney's animated series chronicles the adventures of independent and fearless teen Anne Boonchuy after she is magically transported to a rural marshland full of frog people. There, Anne...
Plot: Ms. Frizzle and her class along with an inventive high-tech bus that invites children on high-flying hijinks that introduce the incredible world of science.
Plot: In this series that combines live action with CGI animation, preschoolers are invited to join paleontologist-in-training Dan Henderson and his friends on a journey to an adventure-filled modern-day world where dinosaurs roam freely. There, they uncover clues about the past and teach kids scientific...
Plot: A yellow fusilier fish named Splash and his friend Bubbles, a Mandarin dragonet, explore life under the sea with their pals in "Splash and Bubbles," the newest series from PBS Kids. Co-produced by The Jim Henson Co., the animated series is designed to teach children aged 4-7 about marine life and the...
Plot: A youngster named Sid, who aspires to a career in stand-up comedy, pitches a morning monologue to his stοΏ animals that hinges on a burning question (such as "Why do bananas get brown spots?"), then spends the rest of the day searching for the answer in this hybrid combination of animation and puppetry...
Plot: Peppa, an outgoing preschool pig, participates in many energetic activities. She learns something new every day and has a lot of fun with her family and friends.
Plot: Sensei Wu recruits four Ninjas, including Kai, a young sword-maker looking for his sister, and trains them for a specific task. They must find the four weapons of Spinjitzu before it's too late.
Plot: A retired circus bear decides to live a quiet life in the forest. However, when Masha, a sprightly young girl, enters the forest, his peaceful life is interrupted.
Plot: Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo. Assisted by his magical dog, Jake, Finn roams the Land of Ooo righting wrongs and battling evil. Usually that evil comes in the form of the Ice King, who is in search of a wife. He's decided he should wed Princess Bubblegum, though she doesn't want...
Plot: A clairvoyant, Masikura, informs King Julien XII, a spineless ring-tailed lemur, that he will be eaten by a fossa. He responds by giving the leadership of the lemurs to his self-centred nephew.
Plot: This follow-up series to "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is set 70 years after the events of "Avatar" and follows Korra, the next Avatar after Aang, who is from the Southern Water Tribe. With earth, water and fire under her belt, Korra must master the art of airbending. Korra's quest leads her to Republic...
Plot: Disney's 1994 classic "The Lion King" is one of the most beloved animated films in the company's storied history. This follow-up series introduces Simba's son, fun-loving Kion, who is happy that his sister, Kiara, is destined to rule the Pride Lands. He soon discovers that as the second-born he has...
Plot: A rookery of penguins with attitude -- leader Skipper, brainy Kowalski, loony Rico and young Private -- in Central Park Zoo embarks on what it sees as a series of strike-force missions until confronting an unwelcome challenge to its dominance from a new zoo resident: Julien, King of the Lemurs, in a...
Plot: This computer-animated series follows the adventures of Po, the energetic Dragon Warrior panda first introduced in the popular "Kung Fu Panda" feature film. Po, aided by mentor Shifu and the Furious Five -- Tigress, Mantis, Crane, Monkey and Viper -- now lives at the Jade Palace with the rest of the...
Plot: Ultimate Spider-Man is a superhero comic book series that was published by Marvel Comics from 2000 to 2011. The series is a modernized re-imagining of Marvel's long-running Spider-Man comic book franchise as part of the company's Ultimate Marvel imprint. Wikipedia
Plot: "Big Hero 6 The Series" takes place after the events of the film "Big Hero 6" and continues the adventures of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro Hamada. He is joined by the compassionate robot Baymax which is created by Hiro's brother, Tadashi. Hiro and Baymax are also joined by their friends, including...
Plot: Sarah is a 7-year-old girl with big eyes and a green hat. She lives with her best friend, a quacky, slightly manic fowl appropriately named Duck. Each episode features the pair setting out on simple but exciting adventures as they explore the world in their own imaginative way. The animated series focuses...
Plot: The world is a mystery to little Booba, but he approaches the curiosities around him with wonder, finding adventure in his everyday surroundings.
Plot: This computer-animated series, based on the 2010 film "How to Train Your Dragon," follows the continuing adventures of young dragon trainer Hiccup and his loyal dragon companion, Toothless, on the island of Berk. The band of dragon trainers, who all now have dragons of their own, are also featured....
Plot: Young government agents Olive and Otto use math to investigate strange occurrences in their town. Produced by The Fred Rogers Co., this live-action series targets preschool and early elementary schoolchildren and their families. Odd Squad cases include disappearing zeroes, Santa's missing reindeer,...
Plot: Julius Jr. is a young monkey who, along with his friends, is able to make ordinary objects come to life and have fantastic adventures inside a magical playroom known as the Box. For Julius and his buddies, all it takes is their imagination mixed with an object like a rubber ball or an insect to create...
Plot: Four curious young dinosaurs named Rocky, Bill, Tiny, and Mazu go on adventures while following their herd. Rocky is the courageous one, Bill is the most timid, Tiny is the smallest yet most playful, and Mazu is the most inquisitive. The four friends look at things such as mapping the stars and searching...
Plot: After the death of his grandfather, Mike discovers that he belongs to a family of vigilante ninjas. Along with his two friends, Mike enters the world of watchdogs and forms a team called Supah Ninjas.
Plot: This animated series features the adventures of 4-year-old Chloe with her friends and toys. The group goes on magical adventures in Chloe's closet (hence the show's title). Being a children's show, the episodes aim to teach kids lessons about such topics as friends, cooperation and sharing. Chloe's...
Plot: Preschoolers get to hop on board the `Dinosaur Train' to learn about natural science, natural history and palaeontology. Each half-hour episode of this series, produced in CGI-animated format by the Jim Henson Company, features Buddy, a preschool-aged Tyrannosaurus Rex, and his adoptive Pteranodon family...
Plot: The brother-sister duo of Charlie and Kirby Engelman hosts this series that explores the science between the planet and its wildlife. A different topic is explored in each episode by ecologist Charlie and artist Kirby. The siblings look to inspire young people to question the "how" and "why" behind...
Plot: `Move as millions. Survive as one'. That's the catchphrase of this seven-part event for which a National Geographic team spent two-plus years recording across 20 countries and all seven continents. Narrated by Alec Baldwin, it tells the stories of many of the planet's species and the journeys they undertake...
Plot: Hilda, a fearless blue-haired girl, travels from a wilderness full of elves and giants to a bustling city packed with new friends and mysterious creatures.
Plot: Randy Cunningham is a ninth-grader who is an unlikely hero with a superhuman ninja suit, the NinjaNomicon. Randy uses the suit and help from his best friend, Howard, to battle evil while trying to survive high school and guard his secret identity -- all while trying to protect his school and the world...
Plot: Scholastic's "The Magic School Bus" follows Ms. Frizzle and her class as they set off on field trips. Based on the best-selling book series of the same name, "The Magic School Bus" takes kids on a virtual bus ride. Magically transforming into a plane, submarine, spaceship or surfboard, this bus carries...
Plot: Martin Short provides the voice of the title character in this animated series from PBS Kids, which aims to promote children's literacy in science. It follows the magical adventures of 6-year-olds Nick and Sally, who travel the world with the Cat in the Hat as their guide. As they travel in the Cat'...
Plot: Puss in Boots must guard the previously hidden city of San Lorenzo's famous treasure from invaders after he accidentally breaks an ancient spell which made the land invisible to outsiders.