Plot: Black Tie Nights is a softcore drama anthology series which aired on Cinemax in the United States from 2004 to 2005. This anthology show revolved around the adventures of Olivia Hartley and Cooper Snow who ran Black Tie dating service. They were assisted by their geeky sidekick, Ryan Lundy. Wikipedia...
Plot: Forbidden Science is a science fiction television series that aired on Cinemax from January to March 2009. It is set in a near-future world in which people fulfill erotic desires with virtual reality and androids. Wikipedia
Plot: Zane's The Jump Off is an American television series on the Cinemax network, created by Zane. The series follows the lives of five successful African American men from all sorts of backgrounds as it tells the stories of their everyday lives. The series premiered March 29, 2013. Wikipedia
Plot: Life on Top was an American softcore drama series based on the novel of the same name by Clara Darling. It aired on Cinemax from 2009รข2011 with 26 episodes focusing on young corporate professionals with four women as the de facto main characters. Wikipedia
Plot: Hotel Erotica is a softcore porn anthology television show that is broadcast on the Cinemax cable television channel during its Skinemax late-night block. It is also broadcast in the after hours timeslot on The Movie Network. Wikipedia
Plot: Co-Ed Confidential is a cable series that is Cinemax's erotic remake of National Lampoon's Animal House and was originally shown on Cinemax After Dark. Wikipedia
Plot: Chemistry is an American erotic thriller series that debuted on Cinemax as a part of its Max After Dark lineup on August 19, 2011. It follows the affair of a policewoman and an attorney, which began after the former saved the latter from a car wreck. The last episode aired on November 18, 2011. Wikipedia...
Plot: Hotel Erotica Cabo is a 2006 late-night Cinemax television series directed by Gary Dean Orona and starring actresses McKenna Lee Elwood and Divini Rae. Wikipedia
Plot: On social media, Asta's life seems perfect but in reality the young adult needs money and a job if she wants to keep living in Copenhagen and not return home to her parents. It is a young-adult series, about growing apart from family, lover and friends, and towards them again. About the fight for being...
Plot: Jake yearns to understand the secret life of his late fiancee. To find the answer, he solicits the most heartfelt, passionate, and intimate entries in other women's diaries. These are their stories... Jake, desperately trying to recover from the recent betrayal and the tragic death of his beloved fiancee...
Plot: The Girl's Guide to Depravity is a comedy/drama series based on Heather Rutman's popular blog of the same name. The show debuted in the US on Cinemax in February 2012 and has aired internationally in Latin America, Spain, Canada, and Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Femme Fatales is an anthology television series, inspired by the men's magazine of the same name, produced by and aired on Cinemax from 2011 to 2012. Each episode features an antiheroic woman, intercut with softcore pornographic scenes. Wikipedia
Plot: Zane's Sex Chronicles is an American television series based on the urban erotica novels written by Zane. The series follows the friendships and relationship of five female friends who enjoy the steamy stories of erotic writer Zane. The series premiered on Cinemax on October 11, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: The Erotic Traveler is a 2007 late-night Cinemax television series directed by Gary Dean Orona and starring actresses Divini Rae and Kaylani Lei. Wikipedia