Plot: George Orwell: A Life in Pictures is a 2003 BBC Television docudrama telling the life story of the British author George Orwell. Chris Langham plays the part of Orwell. No surviving sound recordings or video of the real George Orwell have been found. Wikipedia
Plot: A seven-year-old girl with a hearing impediment turns off her hearing aid to escape the harsh world around her, but soon learns there are important things she's missing.
Plot: Evolution is a 2001 documentary series by the American broadcaster Public Broadcasting Service and WGBH on evolutionary biology, from the producers of NOVA. Wikipedia
Plot: Sami, an asylum-seeker from Syria arrives in Britain and finds himself living with a family in Dorking, Surrey. Over the next few months, while Sami waits for his application to be processed, he learns more than he expected about home and life.
Plot: Agatha Christie: A Life in Pictures is a 2004 BBC Television docudrama telling the life story of the British crime-writer Agatha Christie in her own words. Wikipedia
Plot: Consenting Adults is a 2007 BBC Four television dramatisation of the events of the Wolfenden committee, whose report led to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Britain. Wikipedia
Plot: `The Ibiza Weekender' follows young Brits as they holiday on the island of Ibiza, some of whom have never been on holiday without their parents. The reality series is set in a Ibiza hotel and captures guests' holidays, from arrival through until departure, through cameras in the hotel and area. Groups...