Plot: "Frontline" offers an unflinching and compelling look at complex, vital and often-controversial subjects. Each broadcast consists of a long-form news documentary. Topics run the gamut -- from Bernie Madoff's intricate fraud and prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, to AIDs, racial issues and Wal-Mart's effect...
Plot: "I have no problem sacrificing myself for someone else. It's my job." So says a member of the elite Combat Rescue unit of the U.S. Air Force, whose job it is to come to the aid of American or Allied forces who are either injured or are in extreme danger. "Inside Combat Rescue," the result of unprecedented...
Plot: "SIX" tells the story of members of Navy SEAL Team 6 who are given a simple mission in 2014: eliminate a Taliban leader in Afghanistan. That task becomes more complicated when they make the discovery of an American citizen who is working with the terror group as a jihadi fighter. The team joins forces...
Plot: This docuseries chronicles recent U.S. Special Operations Forces missions in the global war on terror. First-person accounts from more than 90 veterans help give viewers a candid look at the realities of war. Members of the Army Rangers, Green Berets, Marines and Navy SEALs are among the service members...
Plot: The eight-part documentary series presents unprecedented access to perhaps the most arduous basic military training programme in the world. The Royal Marines' Commando Training Centre in Devon puts recruits through a 32-week programme that tests physical and mental breaking points. In fact, more than...
Plot: During the summer of 2005, filmmaker Gordon Forbes spends three months embedded with the US Marine Corps' 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion in Iraq's Sunni Triangle, documenting their struggles as they fight the War on Terror.