Plot: Wan Jai Gub Nai Jom Ying is a 2010 drama/comedy/romance Thai lakorn that is aired on Channel 3. It starred Krissada Pornveroj, Louis Scott, Ekkaphong Jongkesakorn, Peeranee Kongthai, Rasri Balenciaga, and Chalida Vijitvongthong. Wikipedia
Plot: Wan Jai Gub Nai Jom Ying is a 2010 drama/comedy/romance Thai lakorn that is aired on Channel 3. It starred Krissada Pornveroj, Louis Scott, Ekkaphong Jongkesakorn, Peeranee Kongthai, Rasri Balenciaga, and Chalida Vijitvongthong. Wikipedia
Plot: Ruk Pathiharn is a 2011 romance, comedy, and drama lakorn aired on Channel 3 starring Krissada Pornweroj, Kimberly Ann Voltemas, Chalida Vijitvongthong, and Alex Rendell. Wikipedia
Plot: When blind former skier Sophie cat-sits in a secluded mansion, three thieves invade for the hidden safe. Sophie's only defense is army veteran Kelly. Kelly helps Sophie defend herself against the invaders and survive.