Plot: This popular BBC sitcom, written by Raymond Allen and starring Michael Crawford and Michele Dotrice, was first broadcast in 1973 and, despite encompassing just 22 episodes over three series, left an indelible mark in British sitcom annals. It's the story of Frank Spencer, a well-meaning yet accident...
Plot: Arkwright runs a grocery shop in Doncaster's suburb Balby and is in love with Nurse Gladys, who lives opposite his shop. However, Gladys rejects his proposals as she has to tend her ailing mother.
Plot: Comedians Billy Crystal and Josh Gad star in this comedy series that mimics their real-life roles. A comedy legend (Crystal) is reluctantly paired with an edgy, up-and-coming comedian (Gad) on a late-night sketch comedy show. "The Comedians" offers a behind-the-scenes look at "The Billy & Josh Show...
Plot: An impoverished father-and-son rag-and-bone team struggle to get along, the old man set in his grimy and grasping ways, while his son holds social aspirations and pretensions.
Plot: An adaptation of the hit television series centered around the struggles of Alf Garnett (Warren Mitchell), a conservative dockworker, and his wife, Else (Dandy Nichols). As they adjust to life during the London Blitz, they have daughter Rita (Una Stubbs), who grows up and gets married to Mike (Antho...
Plot: The weekly puppet-based sketch show that skewers the politicians and celebrities who need it the most. With a cast of characters from Britain, America, and around the world, no one is safe from a satirical roasting.
Plot: Peter Kay and Sian Gibson star as assistant manager John Redmond and promotions rep Kayleigh Kitson in this comedy series. Working together at an out-of-town supermarket, they are given a company car, but it comes with one condition: They have to share rides together. Without a choice in the matter,...
Plot: Paul Merton in Galton and Simpson's... is a British comedy television show that ran from 26 January 1996 to 21 October 1997. It stars Paul Merton, re-performing a number of classic comedy scripts written by the duo Galton and Simpson, including some originally written for Tony Hancock. Wikipedia
Plot: Common As Muck is an English comedy drama serial made by the BBC about the lives of a crew of binmen. It ran for two series. Both were nominated for a BAFTA Television Award for Best Drama Series. Wikipedia