Plot: Li Wei the Magistrate, also known as Li Wei Becomes an Official, is a 2001 Chinese television historical comedy-drama starring Xu Zheng as a young Li Wei, an illiterate county magistrate who would become one of the most prominent officials during 18th-century Qing dynasty. Wikipedia
Plot: Li Wei Resigns from Office is a 2005 Chinese television historical drama and the last of the Li Wei trilogy, after Li Wei the Magistrate and Li Wei the Magistrate II. It was written by Yuyue, the same writer as the 2001 series. Wikipedia
Plot: Huang Taizi Mishi is a 2004 Chinese television series produced by You Xiaogang. The series is the second instalment in a series of four television series about the history of the early Qing dynasty. Wikipedia
Plot: David Hobbs has spent the last 10 years being a father -- on TV. He is an actor who has been one of America's favorite TV dads as the star of a sitcom. But when the show ends and his wife, a soap-opera star, returns to her TV career, David must return to reality as he becomes a stay-at-home dad to...
Plot: Huang Taizi Mishi is a 2004 Chinese television series produced by You Xiaogang. The series is the second instalment in a series of four television series about the history of the early Qing dynasty. Wikipedia