Plot: "The Biggest Loser" celebrates a dozen seasons by welcoming two new trainers to the show: professional tennis player Anna Kournikova and fitness expert Dolvett Quince. Also new to the show, for the first time contestants are grouped by age in what is being dėÆ the Battle of the Ages with three teams...
Plot: BodyShaping is an American fitness and exercise television series that has shown on ESPN, with segments on weight training, cardiovascular exercise, stretching and nutrition. It was in production from 1988 to 1998, and has been in reruns ever since. Wikipedia
Plot: 20 Minute Workout is a Canadian-produced aerobics-based television program that ran from 1983 to 1984, in which "a bevy of beautiful girls" demonstrated exercise on a rotating platform. Wikipedia
Plot: Anna Richardson and Amar Latif reveal what you need to do to lose weight, strengthen your body and improve your fitness levels. They bust myths, reveals exercise secrets, and lets science do the talking.