Plot: Fan Club is a Quebec television series broadcast on the specialized VRAK.TV youth channel. The program launched on 28 August 2008, an artistic magazine program allowing youth to have access to their favourite celebrities for a typical day. Wikipedia
Plot: Série télévisée québécoise en 160 épisodes de 23 minutes créée par Pierre Hébert, diffusée entre le 28 août 2009 et le 16 avril 2015 sur VRAK.TV. La chaîne a d'abord diffusé des capsules de la série pendant l'été sur sa webtélé. les personnages sont : Pierre, Phil, Cathou et Mag....
Plot: -"Méchant changement" is a Quebec (Canada) television program for young people broadcast from September 2005 to April 2009 on VRAK.TV. Its purpose is to completely redecorate a room chosen by the contestant of the week (usually his or her bedroom), who is selected from among the viewers who submitted...
Plot: -Beatrice, 15, sees the most unlikely thing in the world come to life: Eric, a fairy 'marrain'. Even if Beatrice finds it really practical to have a magical friend, she quickly discovers that her fairy is not the most talented, he is really unconscious. -Beatrice, 15, sees the most unlikely thing in...
Plot: Three students become roommates in a vintage Montreal apartment (in Canada), that happens to be haunted by Théo, who died mysteriously on his 18th birthday. The trio has to learn how to live with a quirky 4th roommate who's most decidedly not resting in peace. Three students become roommates in a vintage...
Plot: Cette sitcom destinée aux jeunes nous plonge dans un univers inhabituel et éclaté qui décrit avec beaucoup d'humour la vie de quatre adolescents, trois gars, Jon, Jee, Max, et une fille, Sophie. Ils oeuvrent au sein de la petite entreprise de prestation de services en tous genres qu'ils viennent...