Plot: Les Filles de Caleb is a Quebec TV series of 20 one-hour episodes, created by Jean Beaudin, based on the eponymous novel of Arlette Cousture, broadcast in 1990 on Radio-Canada and repeated in 2006 on Prise 2. Wikipedia
Plot: Marie Lamontagne, widow and mother of two children is in a women's prison in Lietteville. Maria wants to know about the women with whom she will spend her time now in the jail.
Plot: Le Québec des années 1970 voit déferler une vague sans précédent de vols de banque, enlèvements et prises d'otage. Mal préparées, les forces policières n'ont souvent d'autre choix que de négocier avec les criminels en ayant recours à des intermédiaires, notamment des journalistes. Mac Cloutier...
Plot: -"C'est juste de la TV", every week, scrutinizes the television universe in a deep, original and surprising way. We watch and criticize TV from here and elsewhere.
Plot: Deux familles aménagent ensemble: la famille Laporte-Carpentier et la famille L'Espérance. Leur vie nous est racontée du point de vue de Simon et de Sélina, deux jeunes préadolescents que le coup de foudre de leurs parents réunit sous un même toit. La cohabitation n'est pas toujours facile et...
Plot: Anne Fortier, a young psychologist with a relentless sense of logic and deduction, works for Anti-Sociopaths Police Service of Montreal. She consistently risks her life to find the criminals.
Plot: Virginie was a French-language Canadian television series that aired Monday through Thursday on Radio-Canada. It debuted in 1996. The show examined the public and private lives of teachers, students, and families at the fictional Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc high school. Wikipedia
Plot: Moi et l'autre was a Q French sitcom broadcast on Radio-Canada between 1966 and 1971. The series starred Denise Filiatrault and Dominique Michel as best friends who were roommates at a Montreal apartment. The series tells of the ladies' numerous, often absurd, adventures, often with Denise as the...
Plot: La vie de deux familles ennemies du bas du fleuve, les Beauchemin et les Bérubé, qui voient leur paix fragile bouleversée lorsque Léonie Bérubé épouse Charles Beauchemin. Personne ne se doutait que cette dernière élaborait un plan qui allait détruire à jamais la famille Beauchemin. La vie...
Plot: Omertà or Omertà , The Code of Silence is a Q television series of 11 forty-five-minute episodes, created by Luc Dionne and aired from January to April 1996 on Radio-Canada. In France, the series aired on France 3 in 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Watatatow was a Canadian French-language children/youth television series, that aired from 1991 to 2005 on Radio-Canada. The first show aired on September 17, 1991. 104 half-hour episodes were filmed every year; they were shown four afternoons a week on Radio-Canada. Wikipedia
Plot: -"Scoop" is a 52-episode (45-minute, in four seasons) Quebec television series created by Fabienne Larouche and Réjean Tremblay and aired from January 8, 1992 to April 6, 1995 on Télévision de Radio-Canada. "Scoop" is set in the universe of a major daily newspaper in Montreal (Canada), 'L'Express...
Plot: Babies delivered by unmarried women are sold in the Quebecois black market as young Gabrielle, rejected by her family and exiled in Montreal, awaits the birth of her son Etienne.
Plot: Série présentée par Pierre Nadeau. 'Les grands procès' propose une reconstitution dramatique des témoignages, des plaidoyers et des verdicts rendus dans le cadre de procès québécois qui ont fait la manchette et captivé l'opinion publique. 'Les grands procès', des histoires vraies, celles de...
Plot: Duplessis was a historical television series in Quebec, Canada, that aired in 1978. It tells the story of Maurice Duplessis, the controversial premier of Quebec from 1936 to 1939 and 1944 to 1959. It is one of the most famous mini-series in Quebec television history. Wikipedia