Plot: Nouvelle Star is a French television series based on the popular Pop Idol programme produced by FremantleMedia. It was broadcast by M6 in seasons 1â8 before D8 aired seasons 9-12. M6 broadcast the 13th and final season. It was hosted by Benjamin Castaldi for the first three seasons...
Plot: Arthur accueille sur son plateau une pléiade d'invités prestigieux : comédiens, chanteurs, humoristes, qui font l'actualité du cinéma, de la télé, de la musique - Au programme de l'émission, deux heures de bonne humeur avec les moments cultes de la télévision, les images les plus drôles p...
Plot: Star Academy is a Greek reality TV show, and a licensed version of Endemol's Star Academy. The series began on March 17, 2017 on the E Channel network and was completed on July 15, 2017. The Judges were Anna Vissi, Petros Kostopoulos, Nikos Mouratides, Nikos Karvelas and Natalia Germanou. Wikipedia
Plot: Michel Drucker is joined on his famous red sofa by his commentators and a main guest to discuss subjects covering the news, culture, music, daily life, health and a special feature dedicated to animals.
Plot: The Masked Singer is a German reality singing competition television series adapted from the South Korean format King of Mask Singer. It premiered on ProSieben on June 27, 2019, and is hosted by Matthias Opdenhövel. Wikipedia
Plot: Fredric Lopez, the host invites three guests on the show, who for 24 hours share their journey and experiences on how they achieved their dreams.
Plot: The Voice Belgique is a francophone Belgian reality television singing competition. The TV show is part of the international "Voice" franchise that started in the Netherlands as The Voice of Holland. Wikipedia