Plot: Set in the same universe as `Doctor Foster', and by the hands of the same creator Bartlett, `Life' follows the lives and woes of the residents of a Manchester house divided into four different flats. Gemma Foster's neighbour, Emma, portrayed by `The Crown's Victoria Hamilton, now goes by the name of...
Plot: From the frozen tundra in the north to the dry forests of the equator, Sir David Attenborough narrates a compelling view of the planet. "Planet Earth" was the first natural history documentary to be filmed in high definition, and now a decade later improved technology has made it possible to capture...
Plot: For a month, the `A Season at the Zoo' teams explore the country and its different ecosystems to better understand the issues and threats facing local wildlife, and to help those working to preserve it.
Plot: Sir David Attenborough presents an unprecedented documentary series filmed over four years, following five endangered animals and their families: penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves, and tigers. Each of these animal families faces a fight for survival, under threat from harsh environmental...
Plot: Whenever documentary filmmakers at Discovery Channel and the BBC unite for a project, stellar television seems to follow. The breakthrough natural history series "Life" stemmed from this collaboration in 2009, and "Africa" follows suit in stunning fashion. It's narrated by actor Forest Whitaker, who...
Plot: Adventurer and filmmaker Tim Noonan immerses himself in unique native cultures as he travels the globe on a journey of self-discovery to unlock the mysteries of what it means to be the ultimate man.
Plot: C à vous is a TV show hosted by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine that has been broadcast on the channel France 5 since 7 September 2009, from Monday to Friday at 7 p.m.. The name is a pun on the French expression "C'est à vous". The show is shot in an informal format in a Parisian loft. Wikipedia