Plot: A mother of four and divorced for ten years, Candice Renoir makes an unlikely detective. Yet she and her team of officers take on some of France's most difficult cases.
Plot: The son of a wealthy hotelier who must become a bellboy to reclaim his inheritance. The comedy follows the life of a grand hotel where internal wars, romantic relationships and a total lack of professionalism often put the welfare of hotel guests on the back burner. The son of a wealthy hotelier who...
Plot: Larosiere, a police superintendent, exercises his passion for solving difficult cases. He is assisted by young Inspector Lampion, who is eager to learn the nuances of the job.
Plot: Philip Rosenthal is perhaps best known as being the creator of long-running sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond," but since that show went off the air he has gotten more on-camera exposure. In this series, he takes viewers on a goodwill eating tour of the world. Rosenthal -- joined by friends and family...
Plot: In a reimagined history of the French Revolution, Joseph Guillotin discovers that a virus is spreading among the nobility causing them to murder commoners.