Plot: World of Dance Polska is a Polish reality competition television series based on the original American version, hosted by Olga Kalicka and Karol Niecikowski. The series features dance performers, including solo acts and larger groups, representing any style of dance, competing for a grand prize of $...
Plot: Åpiewajmy razem. All Together Now was a Polish television musical talent competition based on a British show All Together Now hosted by Mariusz KaÅamaga and broadcast on Polsat. The first season premiered on September 5, 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: The Big Music Quiz is an Australian television game show based on the French series called Le Grand Blind Test. The show is hosted by Darren McMullen, and it began airing on the Seven Network on 28 August 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Twoja twarz brzmi znajomo is a Polish talent show developed by Polsat and based on the Spanish series. The show is presented by Piotr GÄ sowski and Maciej Dowbor, whilst the judging panel consists of Kacper Kuszewski, MaÅgorzata Walewska, Adam Strycharczuk and Katarzyna Skrzynecka....