Plot: Sensei Wu recruits four Ninjas, including Kai, a young sword-maker looking for his sister, and trains them for a specific task. They must find the four weapons of Spinjitzu before it's too late.
Plot: The new artificial intelligence running the park goes dangerously off the rails; a thief posing as an intern steals two eggs that contain a new species of dinosaur.
Plot: This children's television series features teams of four as they face perilous challenges in the fantasy world of Knightmare Castle. Hugo Myatt stars as Treguard of Dunshelm, who invites the contestants into the castle as they begin a series of computer-generated and hand-drawn games. One member of...
Plot: In a medieval, but futuristic, world, young knights Clay, Aaron, Lance, Princess Macy and Axl are tasked with protecting the kingdom of Knighton from Jesto and the army of Lava Monsters. The evildoers are searching for magic books; with each one they acquire, they become more powerful. Jestro uses...
Plot: Eli Shane is determined to be the greatest Slugslinging hero of all. But in order to defeat the forces of evil, he must collect, train and duel with little critters called slugs, which transform into powerful magical beasts. Eli and his crew explore the caverns, challenge rivals and one another to...
Plot: Will Hayden is a straight shooter, in life and at work. He owns and operates Red Jacket Firearms, where he sells, trades, buys, builds and customizes all kinds of weapons. `Sons of Guns' follows all the action at the shop, located in the heart of the Louisiana bayou, as Hayden caters to the various...
Plot: Laval the Lion and Cragger the Crocodile are best friends who live in the mystical land of Chima, but that changes when -- after an innocent escapade -- Cragger gets his first experience with chi, a sacred resource important to Chima's delicate balance, which gives its user awesome power. But the user...
Plot: Yoda begins training Padawans at the Jedi Temple Academy, but he feels a disturbance in the Force and rushes off to fight the Dark Side. Darth Sidious and his minions want to create a new super-weapon to crush the Republic.
Plot: In a medieval, but futuristic, world, young knights Clay, Aaron, Lance, Princess Macy and Axl are tasked with protecting the kingdom of Knighton from Jesto and the army of Lava Monsters. The evildoers are searching for magic books; with each one they acquire, they become more powerful. Jestro uses...