Plot: The Animated Classics of Japanese Literature is an anime television series which aired on NTV in Japan for 32 episodes from 25 April to 26 December 1986 in the 7â7:30 pm time slot. The series was unusual in that each episode was a stand-alone story based on popular and well known modern...
Plot: Okawari-Boy Starzan S, or simply Starzan S, is an anime created by Tatsunoko Productions from an idea by veteran studio director Hiroshi Sasagawa. Wikipedia
Plot: Choriki Robo Galatt is a comedy-science fiction anime series by Sunrise. It is also known as Super Robot Galatt and Change Robo Galatt. It consists of 25 episodes and was originally broadcast on the TV Asahi network as well as some Fuji TV, Nippon TV and TBS affiliate stations. Wikipedia
Plot: Seraphim Call is a Japanese anime series by Sunrise from 1999. Seraphim Call may be considered avant-garde in several respects. For example: it is an anthology of individual stories while most other anime is serialized. Wikipedia
Plot: Hyppo and Thomas is an anime created by Tatsunoko Productions. Thomas is a cunning bird who sponges on Kaba, the good-natured hippopotamus. Although Thomas is a dependent, living in Hyppo's big mouth, he always acts lordly and tries to outsmart his simpleminded host. Wikipedia
Plot: Wonder Beat Scramble is a Japanese science fiction anime series, which ran from April 16 to November 19, 1986 and featured microbattles in human organisms. Some series are now available for digital download. Wikipedia
Plot: Urikupen Kyūjotai is a 1974 anime television series produced by Tatsunoko Productions and directed by Hiroshi Sasagawa. The series premiered on Fuji TV on September 30, 1974 and ended on March 29, 1975. Wikipedia
Plot: Absolute Boy is a 26-episode Japanese anime television series, produced by Ajia-do Animation Works and Bandai Visual, which first aired on NHK between and Directed by Tomomi Mochizuki and written by ... Wikipedia
Plot: Honeybee Hutch is a 1989 remake of the 1971 classic anime series The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee. The show follows the original series' main storyline, and tells the adventure of a young bee who searches for his missing queen bee mother. Wikipedia
Plot: Tamagon the Counselor, also known as Eggzavier the Eggasaurus, is a Japanese anime television series created by Tatsunoko Productions. Tatsunoko's description of the series reads as follows: "Tamagon is a cute monster who is fond of eggs. He acts as a counselor to those in trouble, asking only eggs...
Plot: Here is Greenwood is a 9-volume Japanese manga written and illustrated by Yukie Nasu, revolving around the activities of four boys in Greenwood Dormitory at a fictional prestigious Japanese all-boys private school named Ryokuto Academy. Wikipedia
Plot: Ippatsu Kanta-kun is an anime created by Tatsunoko Productions in partnership with Topcraft. Along with Temple the Balloonist, it was one of the last works for which Tatsunoko co-founder Tatsuo Yoshida was credited as a creator; Yoshida died before the series began airing. Wikipedia
Plot: Dokachin the Primitive Boy is an anime created by Tatsunoko Productions. A prehistoric boy, his family and a chunk of land from the past, were accidentally brought to the present time by a scientist's time-travel experiments. Wikipedia