Plot: Brilliant Chinese is the spin-off from the popular series Dragon TV's China's Got Talent. It premiered on 2 February 2014 on CCTV1 and it is hosted by Sa Beining and Shu Dong. The judges of the series in season 1 were Li Lianjie, Zhou Libo and Cai Ming. Wikipedia
Plot: XÄ«ngguÄng Dà dà o is a Chinese state broadcaster China Central Television talent show from 2004 onwards. Named after the Chinese name for the Hollywood Walk of Fame, it was CCTV's more âhealthyâ rival to Hunan Satellite Television's blockbuster Super...
Plot: Chinese Poetry Congress is an ongoing game show on China Central Television that tests competitors' memory and reciting of Chinese poetry, including classical and modern forms of shi, ci and qu. Wikipedia