Plot: Hungarian cartoon. Mikrobi is a robot that has three eyes, a stretchy neck and takes care of the three children traveling across the cosmos. The biggest problem Mikrobiego is a small urchin Pepe, who constantly wants to play with him and boredom reprogrammed the robot to fulfill his cravings Hungarian...
Plot: Sydney Burnett, an LAPD detective, gets paired with a new partner, Nancy McKenna. Although their personalities do not match, they always put forth their best efforts to take down criminals.
Plot: A kockásfülű nyúl is a 26-episode Hungarian animated children's series produced from 23 September 1977 on in the studios of PannóniaFilm. Wikipedia
Plot: Hungarian Folktales is a Hungarian animated series. Each episode is based on a Hungarian folk tale. The creators paid special attention to using Hungarian folk motives of a certain countryside region at each episode. Theme song and score are composed by Kaláka, one of the best known Hungarian folk...
Plot: Gustav, also known as Gustavus, was Hungarian series of animated short cartoons for adults. Each episode tells an adventure of the main character, Gustav, related to the gray realities of urban life. Wikipedia