Plot: Crime is a part of the culture in just about every country on Earth. This real-life programme examines the consequences of crime committed by a certain demographic - youth. Episodes investigate the aftermath of such crimes as a teenage robbing sprees that spiral out of control and the 2011 English...
Plot: Life imitates art, as the old saying goes, which can sometimes lead to deadly consequences. "Copycat Killers" tells the stories of people who committed crimes that mimicked those that the suspects had seen in films. Each episode discusses one such murder scene and details law enforcement officials'...
Plot: Mark Williams-Thomas has 11 years of police experience, specialising in child protection. Over the last two decades he has been investigating major crime, including the unveiling of Jimmy Savile as a sexual abuser.
Plot: The host narrates several dramatised real-life crime cases revolving around harassment, kidnapping and murder while also presenting re-enactments.
Plot: Family members of killers, members of the victims' families, and detectives on each case open up about the emotions and shock experienced upon discovering the identities of murderers.