Plot: Bananaman is a cartoon series, based on the character of the same name and featuring the voices of the members of The Goodies, that aired from 1983 to 1986. It was produced by 101 Productions. Wikipedia
Plot: Sport Billy is a 1980 animated television cartoon made by Filmation Associates, initially for broadcast in Germany. The series was a single 26 episode saga that premiered in Germany and other parts of Europe from 1980 to 1981. Wikipedia
Plot: Professor Balthazar has no enemies; he is one of the few cartoon characters who solves problems with knowledge and imagination - without using violence.
Plot: La Linea is an Italian animated series created by the Italian cartoonist Osvaldo Cavandoli. The series consists of 90 episodes, which were originally broadcast on the Italian channel RAI between 1971 and 1986. All episodes were short subjects, ranging from 2:28 to 6:37 in runtime. Wikipedia
Plot: Calimero is an Italian animated television series about a charming, but hapless anthropomorphized chicken; the only black one in a family of yellow chickens. He wears half of his egg shell still on his head. Wikipedia
Plot: When he holds up the magical Sword of Power and utters the words "By the power of Grayskull," Prince Adam transforms into Eternia's greatest champion, He-Man, who uses his powers to defend the realm from Skeletor and his evil forces.