Plot: Amici is an Italian talent show. Created by Maria De Filippi, the show began in 2001 and has since aired annually from October/November until May/June. The show is produced by Fascino P.G.T. s.r.l. and is broadcast on Canale 5. Wikipedia
Plot: Talk TV is a Philippine morning talk show on ABS-CBN, hosted by broadcasters turned couple Julius Babao and Christine Bersola, newly transferred personality Ryan Agoncillo and actress Janette McBride. The show premiered on March 12, 2001 and ended on July 19, 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: Che tempo che fa is an Italian television late-night talk show hosted by Fabio Fazio. It has been broadcast live on Saturdays and Sundays on the Italian TV since 2003. The show has been aired since 13 September 2003 on Rai 3 up to 4 June 2017. On 24 September 2017 it moved to Rai 1, until 2 June 2019...