Plot: Booky's Crush is a 2009 Canadian made for TV drama film directed by Peter Moss. The screenplay was written by Tracey Forbes and based upon the Bernice Thurman Hunter novels That Scatterbrain Booky, With Love From Booky, and As Ever, Booky. Wikipedia
Plot: Canada's sweethearts come to W Network with unprecedented access into their incredible stories. Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, Olympic figure skating champions, are determined to regain the title of the world's best ice dancers. "Tessa & Scott" follows one of Canada's most beloved couples through their...
Plot: George is desperate to marry his girlfriend, but she is reluctant since her previous husband broke her heart. George wishes he could have met her before she married her neglectful ex. Suddenly, he finds himself flung back in time to a few days before the wedding. George has a chance to rewrite history...