Plot: -"La Souris verte" is a black and white television series for young Quebecers (in Canada) broadcast from December 5, 1964 to 1971 on Télévision de Radio-Canada. During the first and second seasons of "La Souris verte", the broadcast was only on Saturdays from 12:00 to 12:30. The host was Claudia Lamarche...
Plot: La série La Ribouldingue était inspirée du théâtre de la Commedia dell'arte : rapide, physique et très coloré. Paillasson, Monsieur Bedondaine, Le Professeur Mandibule, Friponneau, Dame Plume, Prunelle et Giroflée étaient les personnages principaux de cette émission jeunesse. Toutefois, la...
Plot: Fanfreluche was a French-language Canadian children's television show made in Quebec by Radio-Canada. The show made its debut in 1968 and ran for forty-six episodes until 1971. It starred Fanfreluche, a living doll who retold fairy tales and legends to the viewers. Wikipedia
Plot: Bobino is a Q French language children's television show made in Q and broadcast on Radio Canada, the French language television service of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, between 1957 and 1985. Its stories revolved around Bobino and his sister Bobinette. Wikipedia