Plot: Les Cinq Dernières Minutes is a crime based French television series, created by Claude Loursais, broadcast from 1 January 1958 till 20 December 1996. The show was aired in four series on several channels. The first series was broadcast in 56 episodes between 1 January 1958 and 7 November 1973 on...
Plot: Jules Maigret, or simply Maigret, is a fictional French police detective, a commissaire of the Paris Brigade Criminelle, created by writer Georges Simenon. The character's full name is Jules Amedée François Maigret. Wikipedia
Plot: Julie Lescaut is a French police television series. It was broadcast from 1992 to 2014 on TF1, La Une-RTBF and TSR. It details the investigations of Police Superintendent Julie Lescaut and her team. The show is aired in various other languages, including German, Catalan, Persian, Slovak, Czech and...