Plot: The Costa and Strano families find themselves struggling with the harsh reality of Turin between the late 60s and early 70s. Their lives are also intertwined because of the troubled love between their children.
Plot: A politician's son who was murdered more than a decade ago makes a shocking return. As he is welcomed back into the family, suspicions arise about his true identity.
Plot: Che Dio ci aiuti is an Italian TV series that has been broadcast in Italy since December 2011. Che Dio ci Aiuti is an Italian TV series. The pilot was aired in Italy on December 15, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: This award-nominated, Italian adaption brings to life this classic and much loved story of a young couple's passionate and doomed romance. Stars Alessandra Mastronardi and Martino Rivas.
Plot: Un caso di coscienza is an Italian television series. This series of legal thriller genres, is composed of 5 seasons, each consisting of 6 episodes from the life of about 95 minutes each. With regard to the first season aired on Rai 2, the following went on air on Rai 1. Wikipedia
Plot: Caccia al Re â La narcotici is an Italian television crime series, which follows Daniele Piazza as the head of a narcotics division. It originally aired in six episodes on RAI 1 from January 16 to February 8, 2011 and was followed by a second season entitled Challenge to the sky in...
Plot: I Cesaroni is an Italian television series produced since 2006 by Publispei and Mediaset RTI. The series is transmitted not only in Italy but also in Portugal, in the Czech Republic, Greece and Turkey. It is inspired by the Spanish series Los Serrano. In Italy, six seasons of the series have been aired...
Plot: I dieci anni che hanno sconvolto lItalia, raccontati dal punto di vista di chi ha combattuto la violenza, lintolleranza, il terrorismo e lodio per i rivali politici restando fedele alle istituzioni. Tre destini comuni: nella stagione dellodio, quando occorreva fare delle scelte. Tre uomini liberi. Tre...