Plot: The story of a girl who does not realize that she's actually an angel descendant, Putri is pursuing her education in Bunga Bangsa University while trying to support her single mother. At the university, Putri always becomes a victim from a handsome senior named Pangeran, who randomly bullies her because...
Plot: Dahsyat is an Indonesian television show broadcast daily on Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia. The first episode of Dahsyat aired on 24 March 2008 to 19 January 2018. The show broadcasts subject matter related to music, and each show is two hours long. Wikipedia
Plot: Doel loves Zaenab, but he also loves Sarah. Who should he choose? Witness the dilemma for a simple yet sophisticated Doel the Betawi boy as 'Anak Sekolahan' who navigates his life through the hard time of late New Order era in Indonesia
Plot: Tukang Bubur Naik Haji is an Indonesian soap opera that aired on RCTI every day on 18.30 until 19.45. It was produced by SinemArt. Players such as Mat Solar, Uci Bing Slamet, Citra Kirana, Aditya Herpavi Rachman, and much more appeared. Wikipedia
Plot: Wulan is a 2006รข2007 Indonesian soap opera starring Dhini Aminarti, Giovanni L. Tobing, Alice Norin, Asmirandah, Rio Reifan, Chacha Frederica, Shireen Sungkar, Uci Bing Slamet, Hengky Solaiman, Rima Melati, Nanny Somanegara, Yadi Timo and Ana C. Pinem. Written by Kitta Utara and directed...