Plot: Wremja was an Estonian situational comedy showing the lives of lower class people. It featured campy humor, intentionally, so as to keep the budget low. Wremja was preceded by the Wigla Show featuring a similar style, and the name was later changed to "Sipelga 14", as a reference to the Estonian soap...
Plot: Ãhikarotid is an Estonian teen drama TV series that airs on Kanal 2. The series first aired on 8 March 2010. It's written by Martin Algus and produced by Tuuli Roosma. It's about students from different Estonian locations who spend their time in a student's dormitory in Tallinn. Wikipedia
Plot: Charity home makeover show where a crew of builders, electricians and designers travel around Estonia and help underprivileged families renovate their homes.
Plot: Well-known Estonians impersonate famous singers and compete to win money for their chosen charity. Estonian version of Spain's "Tu cara me suena" (UK's "Your Face Sounds Familiar").
Plot: Eesti otsib superstaari is an Estonian reality-competition gameshow airing on TV3. It debuted on 11 March 2007 and it has since become one of the most popular shows in Estonia. Wikipedia
Plot: Eurolaul was an annual televised competition to select a song to represent Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest made by the Estonian Public Television Service ETV. Wikipedia