Plot: As opposed to its sister series "See No Evil," which details unlawful activity rooted out with the aid of surveillance cameras, "Hear No Evil" uses authentic audio recorded at crime scenes to build each episode's narrative. The recordings, captured by victims' families, investigators and the killers...
Plot: What lurks in the shadows during graveyard shifts comes to light in this series, a quintessential Investigation Discovery offering that features nail-biting re-enactments of actual crimes in which darkness hides predators hungry for a midnight snack. Told through interviews with victims' family memb...
Plot: No matter how complicated or seemingly straightforward a murder investigation may be, experienced law enforcement personnel always employ tried and tested methods to catch their prey. Documenting witness statements, pouring over forensic reports and crime scene photos, nailing down the timeline, and...
Plot: Never forgetting what happened to loved ones who have been murdered is a way of paying respect, however horrifying and raw those memories may be. The recollections can come in handy too, like when they contain critical clues that help detectives piece together the final hours of the victim's life....
Plot: "Cold Case Files," one of A&E Network's most popular and successful series of all time, chronicles the re-examination of long-unsolved crimes and the journeys of law enforcement personnel who reopened them. With the use of forensic advances and new evidence, police and detectives attempt to crack the...