Plot: A number of cartoon characters set out on various adventures to help toddlers learn the most significant and basic aspects of life with fun and games.
Plot: Bloom is a special Earth girl with magical powers who travels to the Alfea School for Fairies to perfect her skills. She quickly befriends teenage fairies Stella, Flora, Musa, Layla, and Tecna. Together these six girls are the Winx Club. In addition to high school, the girls work to save the universe...
Plot: PopPixie is an Italian animated miniseries created by Iginio Straffi. Its only season aired on Rai 2 for just over two months, from 10 January to 22 March 2011. The show features a cast of pixies, who were first introduced as secondary characters in the second season of Winx Club. Wikipedia
Plot: Humans and magic co-exist in harmony, but the technology is advancing and the world of magic is being pushed back. The fairies and other magical creatures are endangered species and a girl named Kyra wants to change that. Kyra manifests magical powers and as a threat looms above their heads -- both...
Plot: Young fairy princess Holly and her best friend, Ben Elf, live in Little Kingdom, a tiny land where flowers and grass grow above the tallest towers. Being a princess, Holly has magical powers, but her attempts at magic often go awry -- but that is to be expected because even her fairy teacher, Nanny...
Plot: Mia is an awkward 12-year-old who recently arrived at a new boarding school, where she is given a book and bracelet that are more than they appear to be on the surface. The items have the power to transport Mia to a magical storybook world, Centopia, where she becomes a flying elf who has the ability...