Plot: Ethan Hunt, an American special agent, struggles to prove his innocence and catch the real culprit when he is falsely accused of murdering his entire team.
Plot: Set in the upscale town of Pine Valley, Pa., a fictional suburb of Philadelphia, "All My Children" revolves around the intertwined relationships and secrets of several families and has a history of controversial yet socially relevant storylines dealing with topics like abortion in the 1970s, AIDs in...
Plot: The Sweet Life is a Philippine television lifestyle informative show broadcast by Q. Hosted by Lucy Torres, Iza Calzado, Grace Lee and Wilma Doesnt, it premiered in March 2007. The show concluded on February 18, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Esref Saati tells the story of two stubborn braves who fell in love with each other's sisters. The story of Sari Esref and Kara Esref, two bullies born in the same neighborhood, who never agree but can not leave at all.
Plot: When Resho from the Zilan tribe is killed, his widow Heval is forced to marry the other son of the house, Zal. Meanwhile, Zal runs into Kaja, the daughter of the tribe he has a blood feud.