Plot: Homeland is the fourth film in a series about two Palestinians families George Sluizer followed since 1974. Homeland is also a personal film about George's motivation and his relationship with members of the two families who became very close. They are now scattered around the world, unable to return...
Plot: This variety program can be considered the heir of Drive in (1983) and the predecessor of Striscia la Notizia (1988), all three created by Antonio Ricci and conducted by Gianfranco D'Angelo and Ezio Greggio. Moreover it was the program with which Lorella Cuccarini made her debut in the Fininvest Group...
Plot: Affari tuoi is an Italian game show based upon the internationally popular game show Deal or No Deal. It is broadcast on public broadcaster Rai Uno, and it is also shown regularly on RAI International, RAI's international television service. The show was hosted by Flavio Insinna. Wikipedia
Plot: Ho Sposato Uno Sbirro is an Italian police detective series, which ran from 2008 to 2010 on Rai 1. It stars Flavio Insinna as police commissioner Diego Santamaria. Wikipedia
Plot: An Italian talent show for TV entertainers. A panel of four judges led by TV icon Raffaella Carrà searches for a young man or woman who can sing, dance, talk on stage, and has the "F" factor: "F" as in "Forte", Italian for "brilliant".
Plot: Made-in-Italy version of the UK and US reality show "Undercover Boss" created by Studio Lambert. In the program, bosses of chain businesses go undercover in various jobs in their own stores and interact with unknowing employees.