Plot: In ze boîte is a French game show broadcast since 29 October 2007 on the channel Gulli and presented by Joan Faggianelli. It oppose two families, composed of an adult and of two children and who come in confrontation between four rounds, two being pointed on the leisure, the two others on the general...
Plot: The day-to-day of a bunch of kids (12 years old) in a Sci-Fi universe. Linus & Boom is an action-comedy character driven story where Linus a 12 year old boy passionate by astronomy and Boom a 2 meters tall red alien become best friends. To protect Boom from the SDC, Linus and his friends use a new technology...
Plot: Rapido and Razmo want to preserve and protect the ship's precious cargo, while encountering other stowaways and getting into trouble with the crew.
Plot: Corneil, a dog, is able to read and write. He can also manage to solve mathematical problems. But he hides his exceptional abilities from the world in the fear that people would want to use him.
Plot: Five extra-terrestrials from the planet Zigma B hide out in a house that is up for rent, trying to find a way to return to their home planet and to prevent anyway from establishing themselves in the house.
Plot: Lazy cat Oggy loves to watch TV and eat food. However, his flatmates, who happen to be three tiny cockroaches, enjoy attacking Oggy's refrigerator and creating a messy situation.