Plot: Preschoolers get to hop on board the `Dinosaur Train' to learn about natural science, natural history and palaeontology. Each half-hour episode of this series, produced in CGI-animated format by the Jim Henson Company, features Buddy, a preschool-aged Tyrannosaurus Rex, and his adoptive Pteranodon family...
Plot: The first series inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger, son of the original programme's Daniel Striped Tiger. Every day Daniel puts on his red sweater, ties his shoes, and invites a new generation of preschoolers into the Neighbourhood...
Plot: A yellow fusilier fish named Splash and his friend Bubbles, a Mandarin dragonet, explore life under the sea with their pals in "Splash and Bubbles," the newest series from PBS Kids. Co-produced by The Jim Henson Co., the animated series is designed to teach children aged 4-7 about marine life and the...
Plot: It's never a dull day in Broomstown with the Robocar Poli Rescue Team protecting the beautiful town's vehicles and citizens from all sorts of dangers.
Plot: Brothers Rick and A.J. (short for Andrew Jackson) Simon run a private detective agency in San Diego. Rick is a street-smart, good-old-boy Vietnam vet, while A.J. is a book-smart, by-the-rules type. The two have to balance their head-butting with their completely opposite styles while solving crimes … ...
Plot: Ashton Kutcher stars in this Netflix-original sitcom as Colt, who returns home to his family's ranch in Colorado after his semi-pro football career ends in failure. Colt plans to run the ranching business with his father, Beau (Sam Elliott), whom he hasn't seen in 15 years at the time of his homecoming...
Plot: As a student of the Paris Opera School in the 21st century, Lena Grisky is a young ballet dancer with a secret: she has time travelled from the past.
Plot: An eleven year-old girl discovers that she is a descendant of Snow White, and is tasked with protecting her family from the evil queen and her vengeful plan.
Plot: Kind-hearted dragon-in-training Digby has a thirst for adventure, which often lands him in some unusual situations. But Digby is able to overcome the trouble he faces as his bravery and determination help him tackle any obstacle that gets in his way. That makes him a good preschool companion to friends...
Plot: Olivia and Stan live on the fanciful and colourful island of the Paprika twins. Stan is a brave little tiger running at full speed on his wheelchair, while his sister is organised, very creative and a bit cerebral.
Plot: Les Nouvelles Aventures de Lucky Luke is a 2001-2003 French-Canadian animated television series based on the Franco-Belgian comic book series of the same name created by Belgian cartoonist Morris. 52 episodes were produced. Wikipedia
Plot: Lazy cat Oggy loves to watch TV and eat food. However, his flatmates, who happen to be three tiny cockroaches, enjoy attacking Oggy's refrigerator and creating a messy situation.
Plot: Blessed with the extraordinary gift of being able to communicate with animals, Yakari, a plucky little Sioux, rides into all sorts of daring escapades with his pony-companion, Little Thunder, as his totem, Great Eagle, is always close-by. In the boundless tawny prairies and the flat green grasslands...
Plot: A mother of four and divorced for ten years, Candice Renoir makes an unlikely detective. Yet she and her team of officers take on some of France's most difficult cases.