Description: KRIMI.DE is a German crime drama series, aired by the German television channel KiKA between 2005 and 2013. The format of the show involves presenting criminal cases from the perspective of children which then get solved by the child protagonists in coordination with the police. Wikipedia
Genre: Action, Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Year Released: 2005
Number of seasons: 9
Number of episodes: 32
First episode air date: March 8, 2005
Network: KiKa
Nominations: German Civis Media Prize in the Fictional Category
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Genre: Action, Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Year Released: 2005
Number of seasons: 9
Number of episodes: 32
First episode air date: March 8, 2005
Network: KiKa
Nominations: German Civis Media Prize in the Fictional Category
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