Plot: Thumbelina: A Magical Story is a Japanese anime series produced by Enoki Films and adapted from the original 1835 Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale "Thumbelina" by Akiyoshi Sakai. It premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo on September 30, 1992 and ran for twenty-six episodes until its conclusion on March...
Plot: When Jordan's brother, Ben, comes in for a medical exam, Dr. Cox reveals his more compassionate side and J.D. must reluctantly deliver the bad news about Ben's health. This is an elementary school version of Mr. Kinpachi in Class 3B. Gansuke (Kishitani) is an elementary school teacher from Hokkaido...
Plot: The Great Horror Family is a 2004 Japanese horror comedy television series directed by Kenji Murakami, Takashi Shimizu, Keisuke Toyoshima and YÅ«dai Yamaguchi, which aired on TV Tokyo affiliated stations. Wikipedia
Plot: Ichiro Tanaka is a university freshman who wants to be popular amongst girls, but somehow joins a railroad club, and slowly discovers his love for railways and trains.
Plot: Dr. Psycho â Die Bösen, die Bullen, meine Frau und ich is a German language crime comedy television series. It was broadcast from 26 March 2007 to 12 August 2008 by the German private channel ProSieben in two seasons. Wikipedia
Plot: The 38th NHK Taiga Drama is Genroku Ryoran. The "Forty-seven Loyal Samurai" is one of the most enduring and best-loved stories of Japan's history.