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Description: Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family Year Released: 2006 Number of seasons: 2 Number of episodes: 25 First episode air date: January 14, 2006 Language: Dutch Cast: Carice van Houten
Plot: Detective Ben Slagter gets in trouble after an encounter with a home invader. Meanwhile the other detectives respond to a drug-related call, but find themselves in an equally troublesome situation. As everyone deals with their difficulties, newly arrived public prosecutor Berg makes things even more...
Plot: Dit was het nieuws is a Dutch television program, produced by AVROTROS and broadcast on NPO 1, wherein two teams give a satirical account of the previous week's news. The program has the form of a game show in which two teams, each with a team leader and weekly guest, compete against each other. Wikipedia...
Plot: Amsterdam surgeon Martinus Elsenbosch succeeds the old, popular only GP in country village Wourkem, where his aunt Jannie lives. The locals are as stubborn in their largely outdated ways as snobbish wise-guy Martinus, whom they re-dub Tinus, in upholding his status and proclaiming doctors orders, which...
Plot: Kopspijkers was a talk show that ran on the Dutch public television from 1995 to 2005. A recipient, in 2003, of the annual Zilveren Nipkow best-show award from Dutch television critics, the programme was produced by the left-of-centre public broadcaster VARA. It was hosted by Jack Spijkerman, hence...
Plot: The 20-year-old Ap is a Moroccan born in the Netherlands. He and his friends try to find their place in Dutch society. They make frantic efforts to make the best of it. Yet they know how to get into trouble..
Plot: Draadstaal was a Dutch satirical sketch comedy television program produced by CCCP and broadcast by VPRO, a Dutch broadcaster. It was created by CCCP and Jeroen van Koningsbrugge and Dennis van de Ven. The first season aired 14 September 2007 to 22 November 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven leave Arendelle to travel to an ancient, autumn-bound forest of an enchanted land. They set out to find the origin of Elsa's powers in order to save their kingdom.
Plot: Koefnoen was a popular Dutch television show, aired by the AVRO between 2004 and 2016. The first episode aired on 17 September 2004. The sketches on this show were taking a look at the past week. Most characters in Koefnoen were done by Dutch comedians Owen Schumacher and Paul Groot. Wikipedia
Plot: This comedic game show tests how much a guest (a famous Dutch person) knows about the news topic of the past week. The more he or she knows, the less he or she will be humiliated at the end of the episode.
Plot: All insecurities, cultures, hormones and brutality put together at the place where maturity begins: your first job at the supermarket. In Meet the stockers we follow the lives of young stockers.