Plot: This American television series follows the public and private life of Tony `Matador' Bravo. On the surface Tony appears to be a popular soccer player but he is really a highly skilled covert operative hired by the CIA. His mission for joining the LA Riot, a professional football team, is to report...
Plot: Maddysten is a Danish TV show broadcast by DR. First season premiered on DR1 13 March 2019. The second season premiered on DR1 4 March 2020 In first season the hosts/judges were Dak Wichangoen, Timm Vladimir, and Louisa Lorang. In second season Timm was replaced by Gorm Wisweh. Wikipedia
Plot: A reality show that follows singles yearning for a life-long partnership as they agree to a provocative proposal: getting legally married to a stranger the moment they first meet.
Plot: Go' morgen Danmark is a Danish morning television show which airs on TV 2. The program airs live from Copenhagen's Central Station, with occasional segments recorded at Tivoli. It is currently hosted by Mikkel Kryger, Ida Wohlert, Adam Duvå Hall, Louise Wolff, Steen Langeberg, and Puk Elgård....
Plot: In Mr Inbetween, Ryan plays "Ray Shoesmith," a father, ex-husband, boyfriend and best friend: tough roles to juggle in the modern age. Even harder when you're a criminal for hire.
Plot: Bonderøven is a Danish TV show produced by DR and broadcast on DR1. The program was originally broadcast on the channel DR2 but in 2011 it was moved to the main channel DR1 since it had a great success. Wikipedia