Plot: Haunted Junction is a comedy anime and manga series created by Nemu Mukudori. The manga was serialized in the monthly manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao! by MediaWorks from 1996 to 2001. The anime, produced by Bandai Visual and Studio Deen, aired between 2 April 1997 and 25 June 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Corrector Yui is a magical girl anime series created by Kia Asamiya. The anime series was produced by Nippon Animation and broadcast on NHK Educational TV from 1999 to 2000. It was licensed for North American release by Viz Media. This series has aired on Cartoon Network outside the United States....
Plot: Coji-Coji is a Japanese manga series by Momoko Sakura which was serialized in the magazine Kimi to Boku from December 1994 to May 1997. The manga was adapted into an anime television series titled Sakura Momoko Theater Coji-Coji which aired from October 4, 1997 until September 25, 1999 on TBS in Japan...
Plot: Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety is a manga series created by Rei Omishi and it follows the journeys of an apprentice shinigami, or death god, named Risky and an apprentice angel named Safety who have been trapped in the same body. Wikipedia
Plot: KyÅfu Densetsu Kaiki! Frankenstein, is a 1981 Japanese animated television film loosely based on Mary Shelley's novel and the Marvel comic book Monster of Frankenstein. In this 98-minute violent, adult-oriented film, the creature was portrayed as a misunderstood monster, who only wanted to...
Plot: Dino Adventure Jurassic Tripper is the title of a 1995 anime series consisting of 39 25-minute episodes. It was produced by NAS and TV Tokyo and animated by Ashi Productions. It is a loosely based literary adaptation on the novel Two Years' Vacation by French author Jules Verne. Wikipedia
Plot: DT Eightron is a 26 episode anime series by Sunrise Inc. It was adapted in a manga series written and illustrated by Iderou Hinoki in 1999. Wikipedia
Plot: Floral Magician Mary Bell, or known as Magical Heroes in some countries, is the fourth and last magical girl anime by Ashi Productions. The fifty-episode series first aired in Japan from 1992 until 1993. Wikipedia
Plot: Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoi yo!! Masaru-san is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Kyosuke Usuta. The manga appeared in Weekly ShÅnen Jump from 1995 to 1997. In 1998, it was turned into an animation by the Japanese network TBS and ran 48 seven-minute episodes as part of the television...
Plot: Marie & Gali is a Japanese anime created by Izumi Todo. It aired on NHK from March 30, 2009, until March 22, 2011, for a total of 70 episodes of five minutes each. It was the first anime produced by Toei Animation to be broadcast on the NHK-E educational channel since 1978's Captain Future. Wikipedia...
Plot: Nazca is an anime series created by Yoshihiko Inamoto. It is about a group of people who are reincarnations of ancient Inca warriors who have returned to re-enact a civil war that resulted in the fall of the Inca Empire. Wikipedia
Plot: A young Japanese girl discovers she is the reincarnation of Joan d'Arc and takes on the task of destroying the evil possessing certain artifacts. A normal looking high school girl on the outside, Kusakabe Maron is actually the reincarnation of Jeanne d' Arc. With the help of the angel, Fin Fish,...
Plot: Hime-chan's Ribbon is a magical girl manga series created by Megumi Mizusawa that was serialized in Ribon Magazine from August 1990 to January 1994. It was later developed into a 61 episode anime series, produced by Studio Gallop, that aired from October 2, 1992 to December 3, 1993. Wikipedia