Plot: The past and present collide in this series steeped in history. Fourteen contestants go through the same rigorous four-day selection process that Britain's top-secret World War II spies endured. The recruits travel to a remote estate and train on using weapons like guns and explosives, as well as training...
Plot: Exploring Humboldt's marijuana farms - both legal and illegal - and providing a glimpse into what it takes for an outlaw farmer to cross over to the legal market.
Plot: When a police task force uncovers a widespread corruption scheme involving the Brazilian government and several prominent engineering firms, scandal erupts in the South American country. After detective Marco Ruffo breaks open the case after chasing down money launderer Roberto Ibrahim but is unable...
Plot: When two children go missing in a small German town, its sinful past is exposed along with the double lives and fractured relationships that exist among four families as they search for the kids. The mystery-drama series introduces an intricate puzzle filled with twists that includes a web of curious...
Plot: Former Senator Selina Meyer gets an opportunity to serve as the Vice President of the United States. She tries to prevent various political uproars while juggling her public as well as private life.
Plot: Based on the acclaimed film of the same name, this Netflix-original series follows a group of students of color at Winchester University, a predominantly white Ivy League college. The students are faced with a landscape of cultural bias, social injustice, misguided activism and slippery politics. Through...
Plot: When 15-year-old black cyclist Brenton Butler dies in a hit-and-run accident -- with a white police officer behind the wheel of the vehicle -- Jersey City explodes with racial tension. This crime drama explores the aftermath of the accident, which includes an attempted cover-up by the police department...
Plot: The story of the rise and fall of the Third Reich told like the drama it really was: through the personal relationships of the movers and shakers of the Nazi Party.
Plot: Oscar-winning filmmaker Errol Morris examines the 1953 death of scientist and CIA employee Frank Olson in this docudrama. Olson fell from the window of his New York City hotel room and the death was originally ruled a suicide, but a 1975 report tied his death to a top-secret experiment. The series follows...
Plot: Infographics and archival footage deliver bite-size history lessons on scientific breakthroughs, social movements and world-changing discoveries.
Plot: This docuseries takes a look at the state of policing in America through the experiences of the Flint (Mich.) Police Department. Flint is consistently among the country's most violent cities and its residents have little trust in law enforcement officials in the wake of the coverup of a citywide water...
Plot: College Behind Bars is a 2019 American television documentary series, directed by Lynn Novick, which originally aired on PBS. It focuses on the lives and academic careers of inmates in the Bard Prison Initiative. Wikipedia
Plot: Five acclaimed contemporary directors tell the story of five legendary Hollywood filmmakers who enlisted in the armed forces to document World War II.
Plot: Allegations of child sexual abuse in Spain's Catholic institutions are examined in interviews with survivors, clergy, journalists and other experts.
Plot: When is a confession not a confession? When it's involuntary, coerced or downright false. Those are the claims made by the subjects featured in this true-crime series. Each episode goes inside a case in which a murder suspect made a confession but later backtracked. Episodes include interviews with...
Plot: In the 1980s, Henry Lee Lucas confessed to hundreds of murders, which allowed grieving families to get closure for the unsolved cases. There was no direct evidence linking Lucas to the crime scenes, but he convinced authorities of his involvement by being able to sketch victims' portraits and cite brutal...
Plot: In an age of medical technology that allows people to live forever young, a cop and a rebellious 20-something investigate a mass suicide of seven teenagers.
Plot: Matilda Gray, an ambitious musician and talented cellist, has her life suddenly turned upside down when her mother commits suicide. While going through her deceased mom's possessions, Gray finds an old box filled with newspaper cuttings about the disappearance of a young girl from a small Welsh village...
Plot: As a lower-level cabinet member, Tom Kirkman never imagined something would happen that would catapult him to the oval office. When a devastating attack on the night of the State of the Union address claims the lives of the president and most of the Cabinet, the Housing and Urban Development secretary...
Plot: A politician's son who was murdered more than a decade ago makes a shocking return. As he is welcomed back into the family, suspicions arise about his true identity.
Plot: Wealthy high school student Payton Hobart has known since he was 7 years old that he is going to be the president of the United States. The first step toward that goal is to become his school's student body president. To do that, he will have to navigate the treacherous political landscape of Saint...
Plot: In 1989 a jogger was assaulted and raped in New York's Central Park, and five young people were subsequently charged with the crime. The quintet, labeled the Central Park Five, maintained its innocence and spent years fighting the convictions, hoping to be exonerated. This limited series spans a quarter...
Plot: Robert "Bobby" Kennedy led a political career that included serving as attorney general during the presidential administration of his brother, John, but he had greater ambitions. Those ambitions included running for president with a campaign that lasted only 83 days before he was assassinated in Los...
Plot: Frank Underwood is a Democrat appointed as the secretary of state. Along with his wife, he sets out on a quest to seek revenge on the people who betrayed him while successfully rising to supremacy.
Plot: Netflix's latest docuseries tackles the unsolved murder of Cathy Cesnik, a beloved nun and Catholic high school teacher in Baltimore. After disappearing on Nov. 7, 1969, Cesnik's body was found nearly two months later -- but to this day, the killer remains unnamed. In the '90s, the case returned to...
Plot: Grammy-winning rapper Killer Mike uses his fame to serve as an activist, hoping to bring to light and confront important social issues, especially those that impact the black community. On "Trigger Warning," Killer Mike -- whose real name is Michael Render -- examines cultural taboos and allows viewers...
Plot: This documentary tells the story of modern America through the life of one man -- President Donald Trump. The four-episode series shows how he has embodied many of the movements that have shaped American society since the 1960s, including capitalism, political disenfranchisement, reality TV and social...
Plot: News site Vox is behind this series that puts the spotlight on topical issues that impact people's lives. The docuseries -- which features episodes that generally range from 15 to 20 minutes in length -- aims to dig deeper into topics, questions and ideas that aren't often part of the daily news cycle...
Plot: Michael Kerrigan, the priest of a community parish in Northern England, struggles to deal with his childhood trauma while trying to guide a group of parishioners through their everyday troubles.
Plot: "The Looming Tower" traces the rising threat of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida in the late '90s and how a rivalry between the FBI and CIA during the time period may have inadvertently set the path for the attacks of 9/11. The series follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington...
Plot: Untangling fears about the voting process being rigged by powerful donors and corporations, gerrymandering, the Electoral College, voter suppression, fraud at the ballot box, and the ways votes are counted.
Plot: After a career built as an international correspondent and anchor, distinguished journalist Christiane Amanpour turns her attention to the shifting landscapes of intimacy, love, and pleasure in an increasingly complex world. In this six-part series, Amanpour travels to Asia, Africa, Europe, and the...
Plot: Comedy duo Thomas Middleditch and Ben Schwartz improvise performances based on audience suggestions, from NYU Skirball Center for the Performing Arts in New York City.
Plot: The criminal justice system tragically failed 16-year-old Kalief Browder, who spent three years in Rikers Island jail awaiting trial -- two of those years in solitary confinement -- after being arrested for allegedly stealing a backpack. The case was never prosecuted, the charges were ultimately dropped...
Plot: A fraternal organisation that traces its roots back hundreds of years, the Freemasons and their practices remain somewhat elusive and shrouded in mystery. Leading up to the organisation's 300th anniversary, `Inside the Freemasons' takes an exclusive look behind the scenes of the United Grand Lodge of...
Plot: Coaches share the rules they live by to achieve success in sports and in life; featured coaches include Doc Rivers, Jill Ellis, José Mourinho, Patrick Mouratoglou, and Dawn Staley.