Plot: This series is about two girls; Dunya and Desie. They both live in the Bijlmer in Amsterdam. Dunya is a girl from Maroccan descent who has strict parents. Desie is a girl from the Netherlands who lives with her mom. They are best friends even though they have a different background. This series is about...
Plot: Otje and irritable father Tos live in the attic of the almost bankrupt hotel The Koperwiek where Tos works as a cook. Otje is a boyish girl who love the outdoors. She has a secret tree house and is friends with Betsy cat, Bailey the dog and all the birds in the forest. Tos is quite skeptical of these...
Plot: While Kathy supervises a promotional tour of the school for the mayor, Lucy and her mates kidnap animals from the local petting farm and keep them in the CLC.
Plot: Keyzer & De Boer Advocaten is a Dutch drama television series produced by KRO and NCRV. The show is centered around the events in a small attorney office in Amsterdam-Zuid, Netherlands. Wikipedia
Plot: A demoted police officer assigned to a call dispatch desk is conflicted when he receives an emergency phone call from a kidnapped woman. Cocky detective Timo de Brauw and computer whiz nerd Kevin de Jong are part of the Dutch national police mission persons team. In each episode, they solve a worrisome...
Plot: The Cuckoo Waltz is a British television sitcom produced by Granada Television for the ITV network between 1975 and 1977 and in 1980, written by Geoffrey Lancashire produced and directed by Bill Gilmour and produced by John G Temple. Wikipedia
Plot: The personal lives of a group of young lawyers, their cases, their ideals and their personal lives tighten as well as jeopardizes their friendship.