Plot: Magical Meow Meow Taruto is a Japanese manga series created by Kaishaku. The series centers on the exploits of a race of pet cats, drawn as catgirls and the occasional catboy. A 12-episode anime television series adaptation animated by Madhouse and TNK aired from July 5, 2001, to September 27, 2001...
Plot: Oh! Edo Rocket is a stage play written for the Gekidan Shinkansen theater troupe by Kazuki Nakashima. It was adapted into an anime television series in April 2007, directed by Seiji Mizushima and produced by Madhouse, Index Holdings, Universal Pictures Japan, and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners. Wikipedia...
Plot: Dream Hunter Rem is a Japanese original video animation series released from 1985 to 1992. Rem AyanokÅji is a "dream hunter", a person capable of entering the dreams of sleeping people and fighting the demons causing nightmares. Wikipedia
Plot: Mujigen Hunter Fandora is an original video animation created by manga artist Go Nagai. It was originally released on September 21, 1985, March 10, 1986 and November 21, 1986 by Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd. Wikipedia
Plot: Murata Hajime makes some startling discoveries about his classmates. As the gets to know his peers more, he soon realises he has a bigger role to play in life.
Plot: Alexander, released in North America as Reign: The Conqueror, in Europe as Alexander the Great and in South America as Alexander Senki, is a Korean-Japanese anime first released in 1999. Wikipedia
Plot: Ani-Kuri 15 is a series of fifteen 1-minute shorts that aired on the Japanese TV station, NHK between May 2007 and 2008. Intended as companion pieces to the Ani*Kuri program and as filler between regularly scheduled programs, the shorts were broadcast in three seasons of 5 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: G-On Riders is a Japanese anime series animated by TNK and Shaft. The "G" in "G-On" stands for "Glasses". Every female character in the series wears glasses, hence the title. The character designs are intended to both parody and glorify the meganekko fetish among many anime fans. Wikipedia
Plot: Doomed Megalopolis is a supernatural/dark fantasy anime. It is an adaptation of the historical fantasy novel Teito Monogatari by Hiroshi Aramata. Wikipedia
Plot: Wonder Beat Scramble is a Japanese science fiction anime series, which ran from April 16 to November 19, 1986 and featured microbattles in human organisms. Some series are now available for digital download. Wikipedia
Plot: Maryuu Senki, also known as Evil Dragon War Chronicles, is a Japanese OVA series which combines elements from Japanese folklore with dark fantasy. Produced first by AIC and then Bandai Visual, it was released between 1987 and 1989 for three episodes. It was adapted into an unfinished manga series in...