Plot: Konna Koi no Hanashi is a Japanese television drama starring Hiroyuki Sanada and Nanako Matsushima. It aired during the summer of 1997 in Japan and in 2001 on KONG-TV in the United States. The original 12 episodes were split into 14 for the U.S. showing. Wikipedia
Plot: A drama about a man and woman who come to know true love after unexpected circumstances cause them to live under the same roof. Singer and songwriter Tamaki Koji returns to acting after a 8 year hiatus, to star opposite Kanno Miho in this drama. Koji plays a very kind policeman; a champion of the weak...
Plot: What happens when hog meets dog? Find out in the first of the two rhyming stories, Humble Hedgehog, when Humble meets Tank the labrador. Set in a New Zealand garden, Fidget Fantail is about what happens when Tactic the cat follows Fidget home. Google Books