Plot: Oxygen's long-running true-crime series `Snapped' tells stories of people who commit murder or attempt murder, with the cases usually involving a woman trying to kill her partner. This extension of the franchise shifts the focus to couples who commit crimes. Using re-creations and firsthand accounts...
Plot: Eagle-eyed technical experts prove there is no such thing as a perfect crime as they assemble the pieces every criminal leaves behind. Dramatic crime re-creations and, sometimes, part of the investigations are a staple of the series. Some of the re-creations include alternate versions of the crimes...
Plot: "Cold Case Files," one of A&E Network's most popular and successful series of all time, chronicles the re-examination of long-unsolved crimes and the journeys of law enforcement personnel who reopened them. With the use of forensic advances and new evidence, police and detectives attempt to crack the...
Plot: Detectives, crime writers and reporters reveal horrifying truths behind the psyche and lives of women murderers who committed some of the most perfect, cold-blooded murders in the history of mankind.
Plot: What can possibly motivate children and teenagers to kill someone? This documentary series provides some answers -- and, because of the subject's nature, leaves many questions unanswered -- by crafting in-depth profiles of the lives of kids who commit murder. Using information taken from actual police...
Plot: Taking an intimate and emotional approach to missing persons cases, this series explores the human stories of unexpected loss, sharing the terrible moment at which each family learns that their missing loved one is now at the centre of a murder investigation. Contributions include testimony from family...
Plot: How well do you know your neighbors? What are their names? What do they do for a living? After watching "Nightmare Next Door," you may want to find out a little more about them. Each episode tells the story of a murder that happened in a seemingly tight-knit community. Viewers get to the heart of the...
Plot: Tough and determined, Molly Parker may be the only woman on her elite Texas Rangers squad, but she doesn't let that interfere with her commitment to finding the truth and making sure justice is served. While her position rankles some of her law enforcement colleagues who would like nothing more than...
Plot: Featuring never before seen footage with unprecedented access to prisons across America, this crime documentary series gives an in-depth insight into the stories of prisoners who are awaiting their fate on death row. Each episode profiles a different prisoner convicted of capital murder and sentenced...
Plot: Some of the world's most notorious murders are the subject of `It Takes a Killer', which investigates the crimes from the perspective of the killers, trying to get inside their minds and determine their motives. Leading homicide investigators and experts from such agencies as the FBI and Scotland Yard...
Plot: Planning a crime often takes a lot of work and some clever thinking. This series profiles women who use twisted ingenuity to come up with elaborate schemes that result in what they think are perfect crimes. No matter the motive -- whether it's power, control or money -- the women stop at nothing to...
Plot: Professor David Wilson, a former prison governor-turned-Birmingham criminologist - whom Channel 5 describes as a real-life `Cracker' - digs deeper into the crimes committed by some of the country's most notorious serial killers. Using advanced criminology techniques and studying interview tapes and...
Plot: Gangsters have been a thorn in America's side for much of the country's history, but their undoing often comes as quickly as the rise to power as the government catches up to the criminals. This series follows the rise and fall of some of the nation's most notorious crime bosses, though not necessarily...
Plot: Each episode follows a new investigation and takes viewers behind the true stories of murder ignited by infidelity and deception. Featuring re-enactments and juicy firsthand interviews with friends, family and investigators, secrets reveal a tangled web of lies. With surprising twists and turns and...