Plot: "The Biggest Loser" celebrates a dozen seasons by welcoming two new trainers to the show: professional tennis player Anna Kournikova and fitness expert Dolvett Quince. Also new to the show, for the first time contestants are grouped by age in what is being dėÆ the Battle of the Ages with three teams...
Plot: A comprehensive 30-day exercise plan to help kick-start a weight-loss journey, dramatically transforming not just the physique but also the level of fitness and self-confidence.
Plot: Tone every muscle group and challenge every part of your body with routines that focus on different sections of the body. Every workout has basic and advanced modifications for each exercise, allowing you to scale your fitness.
Plot: A weight-lifting workout program that boosts metabolism, burns fat and helps to build a lean, sexy physique, split into two 30-minute workouts that increase in difficulty.