Plot: Made by the same team behind ITV's critically-acclaimed `The Murder of Sadie Hartley', this factual, three-part documentary miniseries focuses on the detectives of the Lancashire Police who investigate major crimes. With extensive access to the officers from the Force Major Investigation Team who operate...
Plot: Based in a different location around the UK each spring, `Springwatch' takes a look at the lives of wild animals in their natural habitats, showcasing the beauty and diversity of wildlife around the country. The presenters follow the activities of the animals through footage captured on a series hidden...
Plot: The lives of DI Cadi John and DS Owen Vaughan are shaken by the discovery of the body of a young woman on the banks of a river. As they discover the girl's identity, it seems she may be just one of a number of young women to go missing in the area.
Plot: Comedian Tudur Owen rewinds the funniest, most fascinating clips from half a century and more of Welsh telly. He is on a quest to discover the truth about country life, in a story of cider, hippies and fairground boxing, with charismatic characters.
Plot: Filmed over a year, this series captures Wales's varied wildlife and stunning landscapes, from the rugged mountains of the north to the seabird colonies off the west coast.
Plot: Three families give up their 21st-century creature comforts and time-travel back to face the hardships of life in 1927. Over three weeks we discover whether the community will survive without a microwave, mobile, fast car or fast food.
Plot: In 2001, federal intern Chandra Levy went missing. America was shocked when the target of the police investigation into her disappearance was leaked.
Plot: When 23-year-old mother of four Stacy Peterson vanishes, suspicion lands on her police officer husband, Drew; investigators discover Drew is no stranger to tragedy after finding out his previous wife died under mysterious circumstances.
Plot: In 1969 nine people were murdered, seven occurred over a two-night spree in Los Angeles and included a pregnant actress named Sharon Tate. Just two years later, Charles Manson and his followers were convicted and found guilty of some of the most vicious murders to ever appear in California's long history...
Plot: As chronicled in Truman Capote's landmark book, "In Cold Blood," this docuseries takes a fresh, in-depth look at the legendary murder case of the Clutter family in a small Kansas town in 1959, a crime seemingly without motive. The four-hour event uses firsthand accounts of relatives, family friends...
Plot: When police find pieces of frozen female genitalia in Peter Frederiksen's home, it sparks an investigation that uncovers a dark tale of assault, pedophilia and murder.
Plot: In a sleepy North Dakota town, where the crime rate is so low people often don't lock their front doors, 20-year-old college student Andrew Sadek mysteriously disappears in May 2014 and is found dead almost two months later. What Andrew's friends and family didn't know was that in the months before...