Plot: David the Gnome travels the world with his nephew Tomte as they protect the world from trolls polluting the world. The show was also made in collaboration with the WWF. Wikipedia
Plot: The Mozart Band is a 1995 animated television series produced by BRB Internacional, Televisión Española and Marathon Animation studios with animation production by Wang Film Productions and Shanghai Morning Sun Animation. Wikipedia
Plot: Fantaghirò, alternately titled The Cave of the Golden Rose, is an Italian fantasy series consisting of five television films directed by Lamberto Bava and released between 1991 and 1996. Wikipedia
Plot: What has stretchy cheeks and fast-moving feet? Add up the clues in these playful riddles and learn about dozens of animals from around the world.
Plot: A Thousand and One... Americas is a Spanish animated television series produced by BRB Internacional and Televisión Española to celebrate the 5th centenary of Christopher Columbus' voyage to America. The series focuses on the adventures of Chris, a 10-year-old boy, and his yellowish dog Lon....
Plot: A scientist finds a way of becoming invisible, but in doing so, he becomes murderously insane. A mysterious man, whose head is completely covered in bandages, wants a room. The proprietors of the pub aren't used to making their house an inn during the winter months, but the man insists. They soon...
Plot: The Untouchables of Elliot Mouse is a 1996-1997 26-episode half-hour television animated series loosely inspired by the real life Eliot Ness, and his group of agents colloquially known as the Untouchables, and their investigation into the real life gangster Al Capone, although it does take some liberties...
Plot: Gladiator Academy is a children's animated television series created by Claudio Biern Boyd, who also created The World of David the Gnome. The series was targeted to children aged 6 to 10 and premiered on Telecinco in 2002. It was a co-production between Telecinco and Boyd's company BRB Internacional...
Plot: When a mischievous young ninja named Hattori comes to live with slacker student Kenichi Mitsuba, they form a friendship and alliance against the bully Kemuzo Kemumaki and his wicked cat, Kagechiyo.
Plot: An upbeat and playful kitten discovers new objects and situations as she enjoys life with her loving adoptive family, the Yamadas, and neighbourhood animal friends, including Bear Cat and Black Cat.
Plot: Three cybernetic cats who run a pizza parlor in Little Tokyo moonlight as heroes to protect the city from the power-hungry rat Big Cheese and his minions.