Plot: Delet Haksamim is an Israeli educational children's television program which deals with road traffic safety intended for its main target audience, primary school students. Wikipedia
Plot: The Amazing Journey of Aharoni & Gidi is an Israeli documentary-reality TV series that explores and studies cultures, their history, religion, ceremonies and geography, through their reflection in the local food. The series follow Gidi Gov and Yisrael Aharoni through various countries all around the...
Plot: Zehu Ze! was a long-running Israeli entertainment television program produced by Israeli Educational Television and broadcast on the Israeli Channel 1 and on Channel 2. The program ran from 1978 to 1998. The program was originally promoted as a youth program, and was composed of several comedy segments...
Plot: Kokhav Nolad was an Israeli reality television show searching for talented new vocalists, based on the British Pop Idol model. Since its debut on Israeli Channel 2 in 2003, Kokhav Nolad has achieved great popularity and turned out many new musical stars. The show was hosted by Zvika Hadar. Wikipedia...