Plot: This new documentary series from director Ken Burns explores the lives of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, three members of the most prominent and influential family in American politics. The 14-hour series follows the trio for more than a century, from Theodore's birth in 1858 to Eleanor'...
Plot: This nine-part series is the work that made documentarian Ken Burns a household name. Burns uses contemporary cinematography in addition to thousands of archival photographs, paintings and newspaper images set to music to teach people about the Civil War. A number of well-known actors and actresses...
Plot: This 10-part, 18-hour documentary series from directors Ken Burns and Lynn Novick presents firsthand accounts of the Vietnam War from nearly 80 witnesses, including Americans who fought in the war and some who opposed it, as well as Vietnamese combatants and civilians from both sides. Digitally remastered...
Plot: Six years in the making, Ken Burns' seven-part documentary series chronicles the horrifying historical impact of World War II from an American perspective by focusing on the personal stories of private citizens from four American towns: Waterbury, Connecticut; Mobile, Alabama; Sacramento, California...
Plot: AMC has proven its considerable skill in producing historical Western content (`Broken Trail', `Hell on Wheels'). The network dips into the same well again with the limited event series `Robert Redford's The West', a docudrama that shows how, in the aftermath of the Civil War, the United States tran...
Plot: Thomas Jefferson is a 1997 two-part American documentary film directed and produced by Ken Burns. It covers the life and times of Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of the United States. In the film Jefferson is portrayed as renaissance man. Wikipedia
Plot: Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery is a 1997 documentary film about the Lewis and Clark Expedition directed and co-produced by Ken Burns. The film, produced by Burns' Florentine Films for Washington, DC PBS station WETA-TV, first aired on PBS on November 4 and 5, 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson is a documentary by filmmaker Ken Burns based on the nonfiction book of the same name by Geoffrey C. Ward. Wikipedia
Plot: Simultaneously a biography of both historical and contemporary characters and a uniquely American idea, this 12-hour, six-part documentary, directed by Ken Burns and co-produced with writer Dayton Duncan, traces the evolution of national parks beginning in the mid-1800s and follows it over the next...
Plot: "American Experience" combines dramatic re-enactments with commentary by historians and authors to present an absorbing look at the personalities, events and resources that have had a profound impact on the shaping of America's past and present. Many of the program's documentaries have received major...